Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Why women should know how to fight.

I thought I'd write about this since I always get such strong reactions when I say that women learning a form of martial arts or combat sport should be mandatory.
I'm always met with 'Why should women live in fear' and 'women...and not men huh?'
Maybe it's just me but I find those answers so.... inane. Your idea of rebelling against the unfairness of this world is by... NOT adapting to it?
No women shouldn't walk around being afraid of getting attacked sexually or in any way. The fact that it shouldn't be that way doesn't stop it
from being a reality some women will have to face unfortunately.
It is a sad thing that it's dangerous for a woman to walk late at night by herself listening to music through headphones..or that's its probably not the best idea to jog in the park at 5am  in the morning.

There are a lot of things that are unfair in this world. NOT knowing how to protect yourself is only doing yourself a great disservice as a woman.
I personally practiced taekwondo for nearly 10 years before giving it a rest for 5 years. I recently started Practicing Seido Karate and boy..I deeply regret those 5 years I didn't practice martial arts. I forgot how much I loved it. Why I was so devoted. It's actually kinda funny because people I got to know in those 5 years I didn't practice were shocked to hear I had taken up Karate and boxing. I'm not at ALL aggressive by nature and i'm quite frankly the last person to start a fight but I've always thought it was extremely important to know how to protect myself.  I Happen to LOVE to fight as a sport though so it's been an important part of my life  since I was a kid and Thank god till this day I've never been in a situation where I had to fight to save my life. But knowing that I know how to fight If I needed it has no doubt given me self confidence and spine to stand a little taller and be a little bolder in my everyday life. It'll be the worst day of your life if you come at me man OR woman. I deeply enjoy fighting for sports so imagine if you came at me threatening my life or god forbid someone I love....HA. it's over. one of us is dying in that fight. probably you lol.

Now some women don't enjoy combat sports and I get shouldn't have to, if you don't like it.
Do it anyway. It might end up saving your life one day if god forbid you find yourself in a situation you might have to fight your way out of with women or men.

your kid doesn't like karate class? No play dates, tv, barbie dolls...whatever until she takes her little behind to karate/taekwondo/boxing or whatever combat spot
you enrolled her in. Drag her ass to class kicking and screaming. It should be non negotiable and a part of your child's life from day ONE.
 she certainly does not need to make a career out of it,and after she's 18 she's more than welcome to stop practicing should she wish to. 
at that point she already knows she can fight if she needs to.
even knowing how to fight doesn't guarantee you'll win a fight. but it'll give you a fighting chance in a situation where NOT knowing how to fight could
mean life or death,
It doesn't matter if you're 50 and have never taken a self defense class a day in your life. it's never too late to start, do it now. 
if you have kids, boy OR girl, enroll them tomorrow. I'm stressing the urgency for women to do it because we are not born physically strong. well..some are lol but most of us.. we have to work for it.
 it is that simple. if you get into a situation where you have to fight a dude and you don't know how to...well that would be unfortunate wouldn't it?
Like I said, even after you learn how to might still lose. This is simply to increase your chances in that situation or to make getting away possible. it's to protect yourself/loved ones if something happened.

Learn how to take a punch. a hard one. learn how to get up after taking a beating. Learn to adjust when fighting an aggressor much bigger than you, faster than aggressor holding a weapon. 2 aggressors...3 aggressors. 
learn to compensate when you're injured and still have to fight.
learn to be unafraid,brave and aggressive in a situation where someone is trying to seriously hurt you. 
spar with men and women bigger and stronger than you. Spar with fighters that will  knock the shit out of you until you learn how to handle it.
Learn not to panic when you realize the kind of danger you're in. once that moment is there, it's there. you can only count on yourself and while you
might not know what's going to happen or how it's going to end but what absolutely cannot happen is, you panicking or losing your shit. 
we can't always control how we react in a situation and the best of us still could panic and freeze in a stressful situation. That's something
that's out of our hands and there isn't much that can be done about it. but most of the time that panic comes from a place of fear of not knowing what to do.
so learn what to do.

There are things you as a woman NEED to know. weather you're a model, housewife, lawyer, maid, doctor, janitor, actress...whatever. It is of my STRONG opinion that knowing how to fight and protect yourself can only benefit you as a woman. 


Monday, November 17, 2014

The Irish AND white

here is a post floating around on Facebook. thought it was a very interesting read

White and Black Slaves in the Sugar Plantations of Barbados. None of the Irish victims ever made it back to their homeland to describe their ordeal. These are the lost slaves; the ones that time and biased history books conveniently forgot.
The first slaves imported into the American colonies were 100 White children. They arrived during Easter, 1619, four months before the arrival of a the first shipment of Black slaves.Mainstream histories refer to these laborers as indentured servants, not slaves, because many agreed to work for a set period of time in exchange for land and rights.
Yet in reality, indenture was enslavement, since slavery applies to any person who is bought and sold, chained and abused, whether for a decade or a lifetime. Many white people died long before their indenture ended or found that no court would back them when their owners failed to deliver on promises.Tens of thousands of convicts, beggars, homeless children and other undesirable English, Scottish, and Irish lower class were transported to America against their will to the Americas on slave ships. YES SLAVE SHIPS.
Many of the white slaves were brought from Ireland, where the law held that it was ?no more sin to kill an Irishman than a dog or any other brute.? The European rich class caused a lot of suffering to these people , even if they were white likethem.In 1676, there was a huge slave rebellion in Virginia. Black and white slaves burned Jamestown to the ground. Hundreds died. The planters feared a re-occurence. Their solution was to divide the races against each other. They instilled a sense of superiority in the white slaves and degraded the black slaves. White slaves were given new rights; their masters could not whip them naked without a court order,etc. White slaves whose daily condition was no different from that of Blacks, were taught that they belonged to a superior people. The races were given different clothing. Living quarters were segregated for the first time. But the whites were still slaves.
In the 17th Century, from 1600 until 1699, there were many more Irish sold as slaves than Africans. There are records of Irish slaves well into the 18thCentury.Many never made it off the ships. According to written record, in at least one incident 132 slaves, men, women, and children, were dumped overboard to drown because ships’ supplies were running low. They were drowned because the insurance would pay for an “accident,” but not if the slaves were allowed to starve.
Typical death rates on the ships were from 37% to 50%.In the West Indies, the African and Irish slaves were housed together, but because the African slaves were much more costly, they were treated much better than the Irish slaves. Also, the Irish were Catholic, and Papists were hated among the Protestant planters. An Irish slave would endure such treatment as having his hands and feet set on fire or being strung up and beaten for even a small infraction. Richard Ligon, who witnessed these things first-hand and recorded them in a history of Barbados he published in 1657, stated:”Truly, I have seen cruelty there done to servants as I did not think one Christian couldhave done to another.”(5)According to Sean O’Callahan, in To Hell or Barbados, Irish men and women were inspected like cattle there, just as the Africans were.
In addition, Irish slaves, who were harder to distinguish from their owners since they shared the same skin color, were branded with the owner’s initials, the women on the forearm and the men on the buttocks. O’Callahan goes on to say that the women were not only sold to the planters as sexual slaves but were often sold to local brothels as well. He states that the black or mulatto overseers also often forced the women to strip while working in the fields and often used them sexually as well.(6)The one advantage the Irish slaves had over the African slaves was that since they were literate and they did not survive well in the fields, they were generally used as house servants, accountants, and teachers. But the gentility of the service did not correlate to the punishment for infractions.
Flogging was common, and most slave owners did not really care if they killed an easily replaceable, cheap Irish slave.While most of these slaves who survived were eventually freed after their time of service was completed, many leaving the islands for the American colonies, many were not, and the planters found another way to insure a free supply of valuable slaves. They were quick to “find solace” and start breeding with the Irish slave women. Many of them were very pretty, but more than that, while most of the Irish were sold for only a period of service, usually about 10 years assuming they survived, their children were born slaves for life.
The planters knew that most of the mothers would remain in servitude to remain with their children even after their service was technically up.The planters also began to breed the Irish women with the African male slaves to make lighter skinned slaves, because the lighter skinned slaves were more desirable and could be sold for more money. A law was passed against this practice in 1681, not for moral reasons but because the practice was causing the Royal African Company to lose money. According to James F. Cavanaugh, this company, sent 249 shiploads of slaves to the West Indies in the 1680′s, a total of 60,000 African and Irish, 14,000 of whom died in passage.(7)While the trade in Irish slaves tapered off after the defeat of King James in 1691, England once again shipped out thousands of Irish prisoners who were taken after the Irish Rebellion of 1798.
These prisoners were shipped to America and to Australia, specifically to be sold as slaves.No Irish slave shipped to the West Indies or America has ever been known to have returned to Ireland. Many died, either in passage or from abuse or overwork. Others won their freedom and emigrated to the American colonies. Still others remained in the West Indies, which still contain an population of “Black Irish,” many the descendents of the children of black slaves and Irish slaves.In1688, the first woman killed in Cotton Mather’s witch trials in Massachusetts was an old Irish woman named Anne Glover, who had been captured and sold as a slave in 1650.
She spoke no English. She could recite The Lord’s Prayer in Gaelic and Latin, but without English, Mather decided her Gaelic was discourse with the devil, and hungher.It was not until 1839 that a law was passed in England ending the slave trade, and thus the trade in Irish slaves.It is unfortunate that, while the descendents of black slaves have kept their history alive and not allowed their atrocity to be forgotten, the Irish heritage of slavery in America and the West Indies has been largely ignored or forgotten.
It is my hope that this article will help in some small way to change that and to commemoratethese unfortunate people.NOTES) John P. Prendergast, The Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland, Dublin, ?, 1865(2) Ibid.(3) See, for example, Thomas Addis Emmet, Ireland Under English Rule, NY & London,Putnam, 1903(4) Prendergast, The Conwellian Settlment of Ireland(5) Richard Ligon, A True and Exact History of Barbadoes, London,Cass, 1657, reprinted 1976(6)Sean O’Callaghan, To Hell or Barbados: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ireland, (Dingle, Ireland: Brandon, 2001)(6) James F. Cavanaugh, Clan Chief Herald(7) For Mather’s account of the case, see Cotton Mather, Memorable Providences, Relating ToWitchcrafts And Possessions (1689)

click here for the link to the blog that posted the article.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Daughter - Youth


Can't stop dancing to it :)


Shadows settle on the place, that you left.
Our minds are troubled by the emptiness.
Destroy the middle, it's a waste of time.
From the perfect start to the finish line.

And if you're still breathing, you're the lucky ones.
'Cause most of us are heaving through corrupted lungs.
Setting fire to our insides for fun
Collecting names of the lovers that went wrong
The lovers that went wrong.

We are the reckless,
We are the wild youth
Chasing visions of our futures
One day we'll reveal the truth
That one will die before he gets there.

And if you're still bleeding, you're the lucky ones.
'Cause most of our feelings, they are dead and they are gone.
We're setting fire to our insides for fun.
Collecting pictures from a flood that wrecked our home,
It was a flood that wrecked this home.

And you caused it,
And you caused it,
And you caused it

Well I've lost it all, I'm just a silhouette,
I'm a lifeless face that you'll soon forget,
And my eyes are damp from the words you left,
Ringing in my head, when you broke my chest.
Ringing in my head, when you broke my chest.

And if you're in love, then you are the lucky one,
'Cause most of us are bitter over someone.
Setting fire to our insides for fun,
To distract our hearts from ever missing them.
But I'm forever missing him.

And you caused it,
And you caused it,
And you caused it

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Yelawolf - till it's gone

Yelaaaaaa!!!! He made this beat his B*TCH. love love looooooooove this song.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Lea Salonga & IL DIVO - A whole new world

Lea Salonga, who was the character's singing voice in the hit 1992 Disney film Aladdin, impressed audience members at a recent Il Divo concert by joining the opera singers on stage for a rendition of the film's signature tune, A Whole New World
Salonga, 43, had a huge smile on her face throughout the performance and proved that her voice is just as strong as it was in the early '90s. The concert took place in April, but the video has just gone viral now.
The performer, who was also the singing voice of the title character in Disney's Mulan, has made quite a name for herself on Broadway. She won a Tony playing the lead role in Miss Saigon and portrayed both Eponine and Fantine in Les Miserables.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Henna tattoo

Can't wait to get my henna tattoo's done!!
 I used to get it done every summer when I was a kid on both my hands and feet. it's been a few years now so I'm excited!

Friday, September 19, 2014

'Till it's gone' by Yelawolf

I'm at the table you can call me later come down on now
I'm at the shoulder for a bad, I wanna carry your heavy load
I'm not the road that you think when you lookin' for a short cut
I ain't the steppin' stone, to be steppin' on, I ain't nobodys crutch
I ain't the money man, which your money man, you ain't lookin' at me
I'm not the cheap one, lookin' at me son, you ain't lookin' at free
I ain't the dish rag, to come clean up, all the shit that ya dish out
Ain't got no check for em, if you checkin' in
Mothafucka check this out

Ain't much I can do but I do what I can
But I'm not a fool theres no need to pretend
Just because you got yourself in some shit
It doesn't mean I have to come deal with it
You handle your own when you become a man
And become a man when you handle your own
Ain't much I can do but I do what I can
But what can I do if I do
Till it's gone

But what can I do if I do till it's gone
I'm not the the trash can, not the last man at the finish line now
I'm not the new kid, on the block
That you can just follow and push around
I'm not the fuckin' needle in the haystack, that you finally found
This ain't no free rent, come and pitch a tent, yeah tire me down
I'm not a bus ride, you can hop inside, and just roll away clean
Like the wheel on the wagon you wanna break
Because i hold up the weight for the team
I'm not the gold watch, and the new truck
That your scheming to check out
Unless your looking to check out (shot shot shot)
What a mess now (c'mon)

Ain't much I can do but I do what I can
But I'm not a fool theres no need to pretend
Just because you got yourself in some shit
It doesn't mean I have to come deal with it
You handle your own when you become a man
And become a man when you handle your own
Ain't much I can do but I do what I can
But what can I do if I do
Till it's gone

But what can I do if I do till it's gone
I jump to the sky for my people
I walk through the fire, I get love when it's equal
Don't tell me not to complain about my money and fame
When you come around and telling me I change
Damn right I fuckin' changed
When there's fuckin' change in my pocket
With the bookie, he was a rocket all a sudden
I went from shoppin' without nuthin'
Took 'em with shoppin' from my cousins
Now that the cops know that I'm buzzin'
They wanna drop me in the oven
Pull me over just to say "I'm a fan"
Hip-hop, gotta love it, fuck it

Ain't much I can do but I do what I can
But I'm not a fool theres no need to pretend
Just because you got yourself in some shit
It doesn't mean I have to come deal with it
You handle your own when you become a man
And become a man when you handle your own
Ain't much I can do but I do what I can
But what can I do if I do
Till it's gone

Thursday, September 11, 2014


I'm going red in about a month (mahogany wine red)... but I'm just SO in love with the Blond magic Rick Wellman worked on my hair that I almost feel silly switching it up. we worked SO hard to get my hair this light (and by 'WE' I mean RICK!) without damaging my took many many months and I've enjoyed it the entire summer. I might change my mind and stay blonde longer but I think I'm ready for it. So much fun to be had with red hair. what do you think? :)))))

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hans Zimmer -- Thunderbird

Hans Zimmer is god's gift to music lovers and musicians. WIth that said, this being one of the best pieces he's EVER composed ...the guitar from 1:13 - 1:25 is so insanely sexy, sad, expressive, ridiculous, loving, hateful and about a million other things....I just can't understand how he did it. A happy accident i'm sure. as most amazing things usually can't be planned. they kinda just happen  enjoy .

Sunday, July 13, 2014

108 days of bikram yoga ---Challenge complete!!!

In the end I learned so much about myself. but man did 108 days of bikram yoga just kick my ass before it rewarded me. I completed it a little over a week ago and am just getting around to writing about it.
I went through weeks of Bikram where every class was just a peace of cake. super easy. Over before I'd had enough so i'd do a double. Then there were weeks were i'd only be 10 minutes into it and feeling like "ooo my god. i have another  80 minutes of this. I cant....I CAN'T!" Well, I don't bail unless i'm dead or dying so of course i'd finish the class even though I wanted to be anywhere BUT in a hot yoga room but what I love is what happened when I accepted that 1) I did not want to be in here today 2) This is good for my body and good for my spirit 3) I'm bored. how do I kill time?
and for me, that's when I really learned what yoga is about. See, I had a similar problem where I think during class 70 something...I hurt my back really bad. I pulled a muscle in Karate and kept aggressively working out thinking (hoping) It would go away. Nope, not only did it NOT go away, I (at one point in this journey of 108 days of Bikram Yoga) could not twist my body to the right or left.  I actually remember something POP when I was doing the 'standing Bow' posture on my left side...the pain shot straight from the left side of my spine, down to my bottom hip. It hurt to breath immediately after that posture. I had to sit down.

I wanna clarify that Bikram Yoga didn't hurt me. I hurt myself by not taking care of my body and backing off when I should have. I kept pushing and working out on an injured back and that's what ultimately did it. I'm all better now but it was awful at the time.

so what did I learn? going in with the attitude of 'how do I make this happen fast' is wrong and at the end of that class it's 90 minutes of your life you'll never get back. accepting that you're feeling and hoping it'll be quick is fine. but let's face it, no one held a gun to your head. you're there because you walked your two legs over to the stuido knowing it was gonna be hot as F*ck in there for a whole 90 minutes.
you still showed up. so on a bad day, accept that you're not walking in with the best attitude or enthusiasm but COMMIT to meditating, to guiding your thoughts towards strength if you're feeling weak, towards joy if you're feeling sad or negative in anyway....meditate. I'm not sure how many classes it took for me to realize that even on my "strongest days" where I performed like a beast as far as doing all the postures 100%, i'd been counting in my head how many more postures I had to go. I wasn't present in every posture,which is a very big loss for me.

So the biggest growth for me didn't happen just physically (even though I did get toned) I learned the most when I was too hurt physically or too tired to perform the majority of the postures. I had to sit down and be THERE. alone with my thoughts...without the postures to distract me. and honestly, wonderful things started happening when I did that. Wonderful things doesn't always mean things that feel good....sometimes I'd work through emotions and feelings that were negative but it's things that we generally lock all the way inside and don't let out easily. and that's not the best solution as it does manifest one way or another. We lock those emotions, bad memories and negativity in our muscles, in our neck, the arms, the shoulders. The only way past something is through it....atleast thats my truth. So the beauty of Yoga for me was in the unlocking.
working through all of it.

The unlocking happened for me when my ego got a nice dose of humble pie. I'm highly competitive (mostly with myself) and I was riding high on myself and loving the physical changes my body was experiencing as a result of 70 somethin classes of bikram yoga, pole dance work outs, Karate classes, crossfit...the works. I was working my body like a maniac.
and suddenly my back was out. my ego had nothing to feed it since I couldn't really do much at all in class. I couldn't 'show off' whoa...I can't tell you how bad this all felt emotionally. I had a routine that was in place and my emotional stability depended on executing that routine daily to the T.
I'd show up to Bikram class out of compulsion, not with the intention of healing myself. for nearly two weeks I just sat there everyday in class....tensing up when I had to do a posture so it wouldn't hurt. counting how many postures to go until one that I COULD DO would come up so I could't show people I was trying. I wasn't just a blob sitting there! I remember letting myself feel bad. letting myself think all these crazy thoughts because acknowledging they're there was the only way to change it. and that is how slowly my ego sat her sassy little ass down.

No one was looking at me judging! they're too busy trying to stay strong and focus on their OWN practice! but in my head, everyone is looking at me there sitting down thinking i'm lazy. they're thinking 'why is she even here if she's not gonna try?'....
then I'd defend myself against my own voices in my head 'you have no idea how much pain i'm in right now. please don't judge me'.
my goodness. how much unnecessary fear and negativity I carry came to light those two weeks I couldn't physically perform. I can't believe how awful I've been to myself. identifying that it's there and changing it has been one of the things i'm most thankful for. It wasn't an easy journey from that point on.
My back got better after those two weeks and on my first real back bend since I had gotten better, I got so dizzy I had to sit down. I got upset because I was ready to be strong in class again and I couldn't. I started accusing myself in my head that I was being dramatic. and then I said 'No i'm not. I'm not feeling strong today and that's ok. It's fine'. Kindness. Kindness is the most important thing in every single thing you do in your life. I always try to be kind to others but i'm exceptionally cruel to myself and I'm so happy that's changed.

I could go on and on but the bottom line is this. I don't count postures in class anymore. I don't fix my hair, I try not to fidget with my towel or clothes too much. I go in accepting what i'm feeling and if it's a positive feeling then my objective that day in class is to maximize it. i'll be in camel pose in my head singing 'here comes my baby, here she comes now and it comes as no surprise to me, it's with another guy' (it's in my happy song collection lol) I smile in the postures that aren't my favorite which makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE.

on a bad day (physical or emotional) the objective is to let whatever it is out, in every single posture. I repeat 'everything will be ok' and 'I love you' in my head and try my very best to let my heart know that in this class my mind and body are working together...every single muscle, joint, ligament, every single pulse and drop of blood inside mybody is 100% dedicated and ready to be used as a tool to work through and overcome any negativity or stress i'm stepping into class with. Your teacher is your co-pilot so pick them wisely. you gotta be able to count on them...for all of this. Thank you to all my wonderful teachers!

 Omri, you're amazing and an incredible coach. I think i did atleast 50 of the classes with you! your ability to address what's going on in my (and most peoples) mind I think is something alot of your yogi's appreciate. you have a great understanding for the pressures people put themselves under and make it a mission in every class to appeal to kindness. 'treat yourself with love' is the lesson I always learn in your class. you push because you care. Thank you!

 PJ your humor is unmatched. you're one of the teachers I discovered in this challenge and I was hooked from the first class with you. you call everyone out on their BS and I LOVE IT. you care and that's just the tough love I need sometimes!

Kathryn Leary- I could't love her more if I tried. we connect so well and there is just so much love and drive in her teaching. she is a  spiritually powerful woman feel it the second you walk it there. I took a few of her classes when my back was injured because I needed to hear her TELL ME through her sayings and poetry that this was ok. I'm ok.

Patrick Lynch....what does one even say about Patrick 'Do it Deborah....DO THE POSTURE!!!' . I love him.

Chrystine Cooper. what a gentle soul. I try to go in with 100% sincerity and truth in her class because it gives me such joy to just be there and hear her guide you. she makes it fun and loves to make you smile.

Eddie Marco --one of the first teachers I took class with. I love his sarcasm, his witty remarks, all of it. He pushes and he REMEMBERS where you're at physically. No games with sir lol.

They're not just my teachers at this point, they're my friends. and I gotta say, even to the teachers I don't routinely practice with or have yet to get to know make my day so much better during the days I do drop in your class and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so dedicated to your work. you make all the difference for alot of us. Muaaah!!!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Pawel Kuczynski

so, Pawel Kuczynski's art is floating around on FB.  What an artist! Love this one especially. A lot of my newer paintings are inspired by him so it's cool to see people appreciate his work as much as I do.

Gang Related

So the show has grown on me...and so has Ramon Rodriguez. That dude is gorgeous. wife me boo.....wife me!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Prince - Get off

come and get it Here :)

Up all night: J cole, miguel

So on my way back from S factor's sassy sexy studios, I got caught in the rain.
It was like a gift from god.....I got wet, let my hair down -mind you, I wasn't anywhere NEAR home and couldn't be happier about it. see here is the thing, after a great class and an awesome dance session with my fellow S girls, I heard this amazeballs song on my way out "power trip" by J Cole and Miguel.

I'm dancing to this song in my next pole dance class, thats for sure. but having just discovered it....I was wired. the rain slowing down my way home was heaven sent. I turned on my ipod, put this song on repeat and vibed to the song visualizing my every pole dance move for my next class cause this song was My EC just went nuts when she heard it!!!
A block away from my spot, I restarted the song,...walked up into the empty street (seriously, It's like fate had cleared the path to let me have my little dance). well i got my beyonce hair flip on like a DIVA and danced like it was my last day on earth!!!! I was on those walls, spinning in the middle of the street, moving like no  one was watching (well, no one was really lol)....who does that?!  it was INSANE and so much fun. when I'd had my fill, I tied my hair back up and went home.

what a day. I feel so damn amazing. wow.
This is how love should feel.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Horrible Bosses 2

Steve Aoki feat Wynter Gordon : Ladi Dadi

Dim the lights
So you cant see me
Close your mouth
Don't speak
Just feel me

Closer we become
Together we will fall 
Than we're one
This night
This night
We give ourselves one night

The mood is set
The food is eatin'
The time is right
For love
It's beating
A little bit of talk 
A little bit of pleasure
A little bit of makin out
And than we work it out
A little somokey-smoke
Tell me a dirty joke
Up on your roof
On your roof
And we don't need nobody 
To have a little party
Its just two 
Just us two
And we don't need nobody
Cuz we go ladi dadi
Just us two
Me and you
Me and you

Feel the kiss
And smile so softly
We're just friends
But I like you slightly
We wont cross the line
We'll go on proper
Takes some time

Just a boy and a girl
Just us two 
In a world


Take a walk with me
And we'll go dancing in the rain
And baby we'll run under a tree
Ill look at you
You'll look at me
