Thursday, May 8, 2014

Luciano Pavarotti 'La Donna e Mobile'

As a 6 year old who was new to Ethiopia (we'd moved a few months earlier from Sweden where I was born) I was very lonely and unfamiliar with how things worked there. I'm not sure who introduced me to Pavarotti but I heard this man belt out those notes and It was over. I was an instant fan. Music gave me comfort but Pavarotti made me...happy. His voice excited was playful, serious, happy, passionate....ah the layers in his voice were endless! I loved listening to him. in fact, I used to throw a fit of cosmic proportions  if they didn't play 'La Donna e mobile' for me at least a few times a day. I can honestly say my obsession with Opera and Broadway is thanks to Pavarotti.My dad used to do this thing where he'd have me stand on his feet....and like that we would dance the waltz. The smile on my face then-definitely one of my fondest memories. Good times.
I wish I could remember who played that Pavarotti CD for me for the first time. Maybe it was my father.
Either way, here it is. Enjoy ! x

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