Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Days like these :)

The song I decided to greet today with was 'Not tonight' by The Deportees.
I needed a kick. I woke up with  vicious a headache kinda... hangoverish although I no longer drink and havent had anything to drink in a long time. so it was pretty odd. It could be dehydration but I thought I was being pretty good with the water thing.. I even have alarms set for when to drink a bottle of water because Im SO bad at it on my own.
Who knows. 

Thing song Is my ace though for days like these. It has a way of awakening my spirit and making it want to twirl in the rain and kiss.
with that song on repeat I did my whole Avocado mask routine, danced in my room,smiled and thought 'I'm gonna make myself extra beautiful today' and I'm going to just go with the flow and allow the day to unfold exactly how it wants to unfold. ha, as if we really control anything at the end of the day! 

I picked out a random nail polish to paint my toes and finger nails and it happened to be the one shade of color i'd never willingly pick on my own.... green. It had been an extra color in a set of nail polish I'd purchased ages ago. uggh I never knew how to dress with that shade of green on my nails but there is a first for everything so here I go.  I washed the mask of my face and picked out my outfit to match with these nails and...it honestly turned
out pretty nice :)

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