Sunday, June 16, 2013

The awesomest breakfast EVER

ok guys, this morning I FORCED myself to wake up early...its getting better but the road to becoming a HAPPY morning person is so very long lol.
anyway, I took a strole and as soon as the breeze hit my face i just smiled. This is why I do it.
there is something magical about being up to greet the morning as opposed to jumping into it with your energy after its already started.

its like showing up at a party reeeaaaally late. when all the fun people and most of the cocktails are finito. music and energy is still going but kinda dying down...know what i mean?

when I got back home it was a little after 9am i think. I was craving salmon tartar so bad i was like 'why not'.

I make salmon tartar with fresh Jalapenos (adds a nice kick to it), Wasabi, soy sause and quail egg. I then heated up some Miso Soup (you can find 3 or 6 pack in most stores)

i made tomato & mozarella salad with basil (SOOOO yummi, huge fan of fresh basil) with red wine vin and a little cucumber action on the side.
 a click of hummus , some orange juice and a candle if ur fly:)
This with a Law & Order SVU marathon on TV = awesomest breakfast EVER

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