Thursday, June 20, 2013

Paella with Friends ♡

So me and my Bikram hating friend Elana met up the other night with a group of fantastic peeps:)
we went to Socorratt Paella (19th street) and enjoyed wine, food and some interesting conversation lol.

Topics we touched on :

* Biggest celebrity crush

* favorit beatles member

* Bob Dylan

wildest place you've ever had sex  (winner will remain nameless but took the win with a sexual rendevous on a afghanistan! i gotta step my game up lol)

*  If you could pick & buy your own nickname, what would it be? (the best ones would obviously be     the most expensive ones)                      

* Freddy Mercury

* Ellen and Portia 

* a leeeenghty conversation about the new episodes of 'Arrested Development' 

the list goes on and on and on. What a blast. Im so lucky to know such beautiful people!

Me & Stephen

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