Saturday, June 1, 2013

Heartbreak coma girl - Hooker in heels

I wish I was happy. But I'm not.
I don't know what it is about me that makes it so easy for others to treat me so bad. There is always someone more important. There is always a reason that seems to make total sense to the other person....for hurting me.
Even when I confront the person lying to me...they just keep lying. you might as well say 'I think you're stupid. I can sell this lie...even when you know better' It's like I don't deserve the truth so why  bother? what did I ever do to you?
My best is never good enough, i'm never positive enough, fun enough....just pretty.
Thats all they want me to be. 

"take the lie or shut the fuck up" it?

It's like I did something wrong for wanting to be treated...right.

how would you feel?

bum me a cigarette buy me a beer till im happy to be here...with all of my family..hookers in heels and the men who watch hungry black eels.
That's what you made me feel like. A hooker in heels. Thanks. It's not like I was already hurting or anything. douche

Heartbreak coma girl.

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