Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Bikram Yoga day 6-7 + David Cady on-camera Class

The funny thing is, the first time I tried Bikram Yoga a week ago, it was damn near torture lol. I felt lightheaded and just about made it through class without passing out. Now? doing it everyday is just a part of me.

 the feeling of accomplishment after each class is euphoric. I feel like a freakin Ninja after class lol.

today I did my Bikram yoga class a little later than i have been, an afternoon session but it was awesome! I had little time to get showered and freshen up before i went off to Mr David Cady's class but I made it!!

me & Emily earlier today at David Cadys on camera class!

I enjoy his whole approach so very much! what a respectful wonderful person....and great teacher!

only a few more weeks left with him but i've made some fantastic friends and I know David is the kind of person i can call for advice anytime.

he is worth every penny so if you're interested in On-camera classes, check out his website here www.davidcady.com

if you wannahttp://www.bikramyoganyc.com
get your bikram yoga on, here is their website
i only go to the upper west location (its more convenient for me) but they have studios all over NYC so definitely give it a go!

Me and 'Brooklyn' at Davids class

Moi rushing to Davids class after a little Bikram sweetness :)

A pic from yesterday I forgot to post. I looked delicious no? lol
make-up by Ms Keilah Rose

Hailee, Keilah & Carmines :)

I had such a great time last night at Carmines with my darling smurf Keilah Rose!

It was Keilahs first time there so it was kinda funny to see her eyes widen when she realized how HUGE the portions were lol.

I enjoyed a lovely apple martini, our waiter was badass we had spaghetti w/meatballs.......conversation was dope. we had a blast!

Keilah in the sub after we'd been to Carmines. the train scared the crap out of her lol. she looked SO traumatized !

Monday, June 24, 2013

RDX --- 'dance' THE song to wake up to!!!!

Bikram Yoga day 3-5 , Zumba

can I just say...this has been the BEST decision of my life to get my Zumba and Yoga on. WOW!!!!
i feel so strong and ready for my show. I feel so powerful after each session:)

Im making so many new friends  there and am loving all the new things im learning about myself:)

Zumba just makes me feel sexy! I love to dance and the feeling I get from moving around to that music is epic. Im having a great time:)

Just had to post a pic of my outfit today #cute!!!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Bikram Yoga Day 3

so todays session went by faster but I had a few moments where i felt a bit lightheaded lol.
My body is opening up so much more though! I've always been into sports and im naturally flexible but  the past few years has been sporadic with the workout routine.

not anymore :)

Im sleeping waaay better which was the main goal and i cant tell you how happy thats making me.
i think its the combination of the early hour im doing the class AND the intensity of it. Bikram is no joke you guys!

tomorrow Im doing Bikram Yoga in the morning, followed by a massage, then my very first Zumba class! I have alot of rehearsal to do and my behind needs to be able to dance to her hearts content once im on that stage in Washington DC on the 29th so all of this feels so productive and fulfilling.

im scouting around for a great place to do Rock climbing which I used to enjoy a great deal.

So im thinking Bikram yoga everyday, with zumba class maybe 3-4 times a week and Rock climbing once a week....that sounds like a nice active workout schedule right?

still in progress but im enjoying shaping this new life for myself.

http://www.bikramyoganyc.com  check it out if you're interested!
and please come to my show if you're in DC!!! http://haileearaya.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/promo_06-29-13.jpg

Zumba Dancing

So while preparing for my upcoming show (only 8 days away now) i've tried to combine working out with relaxing. I always used to be stressed out about whether or not im doing enough to prepare if its a show, or whatever it is i have coming up. I paint to relax but meditating never used to work because in silence comes all the thoughts about how i should be doing something to prepare.

When I just got up and decided to take control...suddenly everything was falling into place.
I am doing my best to prepare for my show and its coming along GREAT. really, i haven't been this excited or felt this ready to be on stage in a while.

  btw, if you're in Washington please do come check out the show! info here:http://haileearaya.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/promo_06-29-13.jpg

Relaxing and meditating is not a choice its a necessity. Bikram Yoga is doing wonders for me and is a fantastic way to start my day. But I wanted to add a little spice to my workout. im Ethiopian, I love music, moving, dancing....and i've heard about Zumba dance classes being a fun exciting way to stay fit and build up stamina. (also heard it gives you a nice itty bitty waste and a round firm butt lol:) im pretty darn petite as it is so im not really looking to loose weight. but i want to stay fit and get a little more curve action and so looks like me and Zumba are a match made in fitness heaven!

So starting tomorrow, after my morning Bikram Yoga class i'll be getting a massage followed by my very first ( but not last) Zumba Class!

will do a review on it tomorrow! I cant wait :)


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Paella with Friends ♡

So me and my Bikram hating friend Elana met up the other night with a group of fantastic peeps:)
we went to Socorratt Paella (19th street) and enjoyed wine, food and some interesting conversation lol.

Topics we touched on :

* Biggest celebrity crush

* favorit beatles member

* Bob Dylan

wildest place you've ever had sex  (winner will remain nameless but took the win with a sexual rendevous on a rooftop.....in afghanistan! i gotta step my game up lol)

*  If you could pick & buy your own nickname, what would it be? (the best ones would obviously be     the most expensive ones)                      

* Freddy Mercury

* Ellen and Portia 

* a leeeenghty conversation about the new episodes of 'Arrested Development' 

the list goes on and on and on. What a blast. Im so lucky to know such beautiful people!

Me & Stephen

Bikram Yoga day 2

Today's session was MUCH easier than yesterdays. I was able to get into each pose much easier than I had managed to yesterday. less lightheaded....more focused and comfortable with the heat. I 

I had my darling friend Keilah With me and today was HER first time. she thought it was a blast..(while occasionally looking queezy lol) so im already recruiting people ! :)

Im nervous but excited about my upcoming show in Washington DC on the 29th of June.  Im so happy I found something that helps me meditate and stay focused. 
follow me on instagram if you arent already  @haileearaya!


Here are some pics  from this mornings Bikram adventure!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

David Cady On-camera Class

well here is a post thats looooong overdue. Mr cady is such a wonderful person and a great teacher. He's observant and gives feedback thats so spot on!

I couldn't be happier taking his class and his approach being so direct but kind makes it so much fun to learn!
There is a spark that lights in you from pursuing your goals.... never stop please! eliminate all the negativity in your life from bad habits to bad company. if they don't feel good to be around, they gotta go! Take care of your mind and body so you're strong enough to go after whatever your dreams are (as long as you're not aspiring to be a serial killer lol) because it can be done and it can be achieved!

i have such motivation and drive when I leave his class. and I'm really thankful for the amazing friends I've made there! you can tell we have alot of fun together :)

Davids website is http://www.davidcady.com/ if you're interested. I have a few weeks left with him and I highly recommend him!
 Me yesterday enjoying some Home spa action before i went to Davids class. a little Face mud to get rid of all the skin i managed to irritate during my hikes to Runyon Canyon during my recent trip to Los Angeles. yes im wearing shades....because im bad like that! .....and because my eyes looked super tired lol.

if I was a dude, id MARRY this girl. she is SO funny and such a sweetfeart! BFF alert!

we both wanted him so we decided to share :)

we're like 'ugghh we need a divorce'. we were totally posing but that's the fantastic thing about actors...we LOVE to play! 

Cant wait for my next class!!!

Bikram Yoga day 1 Review

So let me first say....Elana girl you're on your OWN.
Bikram Yoga was intense and i loved every minute of it. You know whats funny? you never notice how strong negative energy can be until you're actively breaking out of it.

example. I was up bright and early today...little bit after 6am. I was even...dare i say...in a great mood (soo not a natural morning person)
i tidied up around me, got dressed and went out ready to catch my first Bikram Yoga class.
I call the location for direction and whoever answered gave me incorrect info so my small town self walked  blocks and blocks the WRONG way before I figured that out. I only had 10 minutes to make it to the class which was unrealistic...I wasn't going to make it.
I was discouraged and all this happy-energy i had was almost gone. I sat down for a moment when the sweetest women, Gloria, who had just finished an earlier class came and said 'dont feel bad. catch the next one'. the next class was in 2 hours but just her kindness and understanding gave me my spark back!
we sat and talked for a bit then she was off. we decided we'd do tomorrows morning class together.

but anyway, so I'm just calming down from my irritation and decide to take a walk until its time for the next class. I get out the door....only to find that suddenly outside the yoga building there is now full blown construction going down. the noise is SOOO loud and intrusive....it felt like it was INSIDE my head. its just one of those things that can really end up agitating me but I just smiled.
I felt like this negativity I've been allowing in my life was doing everything to keep me down.
suddenly i was beyond driven. Missed the first class? im catching the next one. The construction workers are just trying to work. it doesn't have anything to do with me.
If i get discouraged its because I allowed it. and i wasn't about to let that happen.

so i killed those two hours and went to my first BikramYoga class which was an incredible experience.
its going down every morning folks. I feel amazing...happy...strong. I can feel that this new positive attitude is going to help with so much in my life.

It was worth it :)

 My darling friend Keila Rose,  a fellow songbird just got into town on operation #chasemydreams....look at how itty bitty she is!! like 4 ft :) she's amazing! we're greeting the day tomorrow with another bikram session. really looking forward to a great time with her here:))

Below is some info on Bikram Yoga if you're interested!

Have a good day. and if you aren't....try:)


Bikram Yoga day 1

OK guys, time to go hard.

30 days of daily 8am (or earlier)  yoga is the plan. I never drink enough water, I don't eat regularly...I start changing that but then my discipline fails me. which makes me feel worse about myself. which leads to more acts of self betrayal.

Im going to treat myself much better. you don't need sleeping pills, I've never taken them and lack of sleep is a huge source of distress for me. im quite sure if I didn't neglect myself the way i have been lately and give my mind and body the attention I need I will find the balance that WILL lead to eating healthy regularly and sleeping great. not sleeping means im doing something wrong so im going to figure it out one little thing at a time.

 its such a beautiful morning :)

I've done Yoga and pilates before as a part of my workout but I've never really tried Bikram so I'm gonna see what that's about. I know someone who's crazy about it but then my friend Elana was completely turned off saying 'yea.....not my think' lol. she hated it. Im my culture (like many other) we do have the tradition of sweating toxins out. I was just never that fond of the idea lol

So to be honest, while hot Yoga sounds like it could be uncomfortable.... some people swear by it. and there is a logic behind it. so we'll see:)

anyways, im outta here!


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

All along the Watchtower - Devlin feat Ed Sheeran

I'm in love with this song !  I literally felt a rush through my whole body....what a beat! what a nice remake with his own little twist! Devlin is a talent and together with Ed Sheeran ?
Gold.  I was on the computer typing away with the tv on low volume when I heard Devlin and Eds version and went nuts. I started looking frantically for the remote (which had been next to me all along lol)  man...the vibe all over this version is Murder. its....sexy, seductive....and RAP? SO effin EPIC!

'All along the watchtower' was originally written and recorded by Bob Dylan


and its really just such an amazing thing when another fantastic artist like Jimi Hendrix listens to it and adds his vibe to the whole thing....and re-records his own version of it... exposing it to a whole new audience in 1968
listen to that version below

Devlin and Eds version 2013 below:

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The awesomest breakfast EVER

ok guys, this morning I FORCED myself to wake up early...its getting better but the road to becoming a HAPPY morning person is so very long lol.
anyway, I took a strole and as soon as the breeze hit my face i just smiled. This is why I do it.
there is something magical about being up to greet the morning as opposed to jumping into it with your energy after its already started.

its like showing up at a party reeeaaaally late. when all the fun people and most of the cocktails are finito. music and energy is still going but kinda dying down...know what i mean?

when I got back home it was a little after 9am i think. I was craving salmon tartar so bad i was like 'why not'.

I make salmon tartar with fresh Jalapenos (adds a nice kick to it), Wasabi, soy sause and quail egg. I then heated up some Miso Soup (you can find 3 or 6 pack in most stores)

i made tomato & mozarella salad with basil (SOOOO yummi, huge fan of fresh basil) with red wine vin and a little cucumber action on the side.
 a click of hummus , some orange juice and a candle if ur fly:)
This with a Law & Order SVU marathon on TV = awesomest breakfast EVER

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Florida and LA pics

man i love all my characters but its so hard to focus and give into dark emotional characters. maybe i enjoy the trip...who knows lol. anyways I thought id checkout from blogville on a positive note.

some pics from my time in florida and LA  with friends and loved ones i got to hang with as i keep working that little career of mine <3.

lets see what comes out tomorrow:)


 yours truly
 me and brenda
me and Libby aka canadame & Holt

Veronica bff

cody libby & chris:)

me in total zen mode. and posing lol

me egotripping

me and my bff X1000 celebrating her bday

Friday, June 14, 2013

My new faves!

Necessary roughness is back! and Stamos is in it too yummi.(Im gaga for him!)
another one im loving is Graceland! fun :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Come to me now

I'm broken in two
And I know you're on to me
That I only come home
When I'm so all alone
But I do believe

That not everything is gonna be the way
You think it ought to be
It seems like every time I try to make it right
It all comes down on me
Please say honestly you won't give up on me
And I shall believe
And I shall believe

Open the door
And show me your face tonight
I know it's true
No one heals me like you
And you hold the key

Im on instagram!

Find me, stalk me, follow me....all of it! online tho....not in real life:)



Tuesday, June 4, 2013

breakfast never tasted THIS good!

Mainly because I woke up reeeaaalllly hungry!

I had: Egg omelet with french brie and peppers followed by Yogurt with banana & blueberry and strawberries to finish my meal of all yummy:)

A glass of water to take my vitamins with, then Orange Juice.

Good Morning:)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Bollywood ...Rambo....YES PLEASE

Yes yes and YES!

Im a massive Bollywood fan! This is the first im hearing about a Rambo remake but in case you're not familiar...Bollywood kicks ass. They've got some amazing actors,my favorit being Salman Khan.....(omg I need to have his babies asap!) and aishwarya rai (she is ....STUNNING!). Some of you may recall Aishwaraya Rai and Salman Khan also were a couple for a veeeery long time. I think started following both their careers after a movie they did together way back.
anyhoodles, I can't wait to see what Bollywood cooks up  for this remake.
And Stallone seems to approve:)

check out what he has to say about it HEREhttp://www.tmz.com/2013/06/03/sylvester-stallone-bollywood-rambo-john-abraham/

check out what he has to say about it HEREhttp://www.tmz.com/2013/06/03/sylvester-stallone-bollywood-rambo-john-abraham/

EP craaaaaze baby!

This is fun and exhausting at the same time! and im not even done yet lol.
 Aside from looking forward to a few days of being spoiled rotten by hubdoodle Dman ( I never call him that lol), Im going to spend some quality time with great friends - I'll be wearing my Bikini throughout my stay in beachville because I looooove me some bikinis (and also because I got a few photo shoots that require it lol) ..unfortunately it wont be the bikini I was hoping for because my lame tukhus wasn't home when It was getting delivered. But there is always Hawaii. and Hawaii is happening....one way or another! (kinda hoping I get booked there for a show lol.)

NYC is awesome but I missed our home. The water, the beach, the air...the sushi lol.

Total make over. When Im back, i'll be better. and stronger. my old self again meaning batteries recharged!  Im feeling mighty positive so Heartbreak coma girl needs to check into a mental institution for a second (she loves that vidocin they pump her full of. I ). Narcis-sista is probaly out mirror shopping lol.

So we might hear from JOY. and a few other new darlings:) but mostly moi!

Im SO hyped!! For my show, for my EP, for another round of David Cady on-camera awesomeness... ( still need to do a post on him!)

Summer, I missed you!!!!

Check out a snippet for one of my songs on my upcoming EP 'Love sunshine cocktails' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrlkcu5Bccc

More songs from the EP here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woUVQbPsaCA

facebook link here:www.facebook.com/haileearayamusic

website HERE: www.haileearaya.com

twitter: www.twitter.com/haileearaya

Thank you for being there for me! for supporting my blog, my website, my music...all my endeavors. You ROCK!!!


Heartbreak Coma girl - why it hurts

I just wanted someone I could tell the whole truth to. You don't know what I deal with....you wouldn't believe it if I told you and now I can't.

You made me feel so good at first. Then lies, so I had to lie too....and the whole thing turned to shit. you were supposed to be for me....my person. It never occurred to me that you'd have to be another person I should watch out for. I watch out for everyone, I don't have a choice.
I thought with you...my mind could rest.

I needed a real friend & a lover ..someone who could make my mind and body happy. whether it was forever or until we grew tired of each other. don't you get it? You did that just by being you.
The things I have to deal with are splitting me into a million peaces. My head hurts all the time.

I just needed one person to be an anchor , someone I could be myself with and tell everything to so it wouldn't be so heavy.

instead, you slowly turned into another person I had to act for. 'act' like I can't tell you're lying. 'act' like it didn't kill me when you called about a tweet instead of my Angel who was sick.
'act' like im Happy when I was in LA to see you when you wouldn't let me share that experience with my friends.

I've never been this out of my mind, this self destructive, this sensitive, this angry and this scared.
I wanna off myself everyday, i feel like im bleeding out of my eyes, ears, nose mouth and chest.
I wake up everyday with a stone on my chest. It hurts to breath. Im scared all the time. Im devastated all the time. Fuck depression, im dying. Im dying...
You think drugs and drinking was for attention? I get attention when I walk out the door, I wanted to stop going crazy. I only told you...that I was going crazy. I couldn't take one more disappointment at least for a while before we met and I knew that about myself so I wasn't looking to get close to anyone. but you seemed so safe and so kind.and you snuck it in the backdoor masked as a good feeling and good honest person. Which you are....a good person I mean. you're just not honest. Any self control and preservation that was in place for me went out the door. the stitches broke...my madness broke free and with it, all the pain I kept inside. everything im carrying, struggling with, hurting over, all of it. Its out. and there is no one here to help me with it. So instead of attacking you verbally with the kind of force, rage & bi-polar behavior you don't deserve, I'm removing you from my life.

we'll never get past it, there is no point in trying.
You know how Marilyn was all 'I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”

This is my worst. This is when you met me.nothing can change that. This is when friends show what they''re made of. you should have known to worry less about how  your lie would be perceived and be more about being a real friend. I would have forgiven you. everyone makes mistakes. You just kept lying.

Think about it. no one just spazzes out like I did. Ask yourself what could possibly be happening for me to fall apart this way. I wanted to tell you so bad.

This will never happen to me again, I will never break like this again. And unfortunately for you, i'll always associate you with abandoning me that one time when I was falling apart. That's why this hurts. everyone from this dark age of mine that contributed, cant stay in my life.

how's that for shitty luck (for me, not you lol)

I wish I never met you so I can meet you all over again. Under circumstances When I'm at my best and when you're comfortable enough to be completely honest with me.
Wouldn't that have been something?

oh well.

my Angel


She's my Super hero, My angel. She's also the
the reason im completely insane lol. I could never live without her. or little bro.
I Miss her all the time when she's not visiting. If i'm lucky i'll still be knockout like her when im her age:)

Thank you god for giving me such an incredible mother and friend.


Sunday, June 2, 2013


Grateful for the people in my life that love me very much. They forgive me, protect me, motivate me.
I know im blessed.

I can't hold my liqueur for shit, love to dance, I'm moody and feisty.. I hold grudges and I write crazy things (im a bit touched you see lol)..but I Love to make people happy. so I think Im one of the good ones :)

I can't wait to be AMAZING tomorrow.



Dancing in the rain

...yea so thats happening. right now. my JAM just started playing on my MP3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUxdoYgz66Y ...didnt even have to spend time looking for it. This moment is pefect :)


It Wasn't that much anymore .still I was -I did my & came back inside

Animal Cruelty in South Africa

I KNEW I shouldn't have clicked on the  tag on twitter. But not looking at it doesn't mean its not happening. I just saw this picture and My heart is in pieces. Why would anyone do this? The sorrow in that dogs eyes is haunting and so very devastating. I can't stand this world sometimes. There are some sick people out there. what I NEED to do is stop crying everytime i come across something like this and get involed- this was intense.
Thanks to @Bollie2 for tweeting.